Amy Simpson - Fertile Woman

Creating Space When You Are Preparing To Conceive

anxiety difficult emotions fertility journey fertilitycoach infertility mindbodyconnection mindfulness mindset miscarriage overwhelm unexplainedinfertility Jun 14, 2023
Creating Space for yourself when you are trying to conceive. Fertility Relaxation

Why does space matter when you want to have a baby?

It's simply babies need space. Like anything we are creating the first important step is to create space for it to come in. Babies are no different. 

If we are overwhelmed, exhausted and depleted it makes it makes everything more difficult. This is why within the Mind Body Baby (MBB) Method something we focus on is creating space.

Consider it this way your body is your baby's first home so we are prepare the space for a very special guest. We want this home to be calm, nourished, welcoming and well resourced. Take a moment to notice how close to this your mind and body feel right now.

For many of the women I work with they have been navigating a difficult fertility journey for some time, they are frustrated, exhausted and overwhelmed. They often feel fearful that motherhood might not happen for them and this keeps them awake and scrolling all night. Very quickly trying to conceive becomes all consuming.

Infertility steals all the air from the room and with it your joy, calm and belief in what's possible.


So where do you begin to Create Space?

I'm going to share my MBB philosophy, firstly I believe its not you that's waiting, its your baby that's waiting for you. Our babies choose us and they wait for us to be ready to receive them.

Your baby is waiting for you to remember. To remember who you are, to love and care for yourself in the way that you will for them. 

And I invite you to let go of the words "trying to conceive" and choose that from today you are not trying to conceive you are preparing to welcome your baby.

Energetically this is a very different energy to create space from. Trying keeps us in the energy of lack, preparing is the energy of expecting. I could give you a million reasons why its imperative that you drop the "trying" but that's a whole other blog (watch this space).

The Mind Body connection is repeatedly overlooked when couples struggle to conceive and in my experience it holds all of the answers and more importantly the solutions. It's when we create space in the mind, the body and in your heart that all of these answers become clear.


My top tips on Creating Space

  1. Make yourself the priority. It's easy to abandon or neglect our own needs. Maybe you have always put others needs or wants before you own. Your baby is inviting you to say No to others and Yes to yourself.
  2. Mother yourself first. Take a moment to consider if what you would tell someone you loved, if you knew they were either tired or overwhelmed. And follow that advice.
  3. Speak to yourself with kindness and compassion. I hear the women I work with speak to themselves in such a harsh and unkind way, my question to them and you is how you are speaking to yourself right now, is this how you will speak to your baby?
  4. Get support. Whether you come into a sisterhood like the MBB Method or get 1:1 support from someone like myself or someone you trust. Don't walk this path alone.


Please remember my love that motherhood is not a race, you are not in competition with anyone. You are not broken and your beautiful body longs to conceive and hold a baby just as much as you do.


To find out more about how the MBB Method can support you prepare to welcome your baby visit my website here.

You are not alone on this journey, I am here with you every step of the way.

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