Amy Simpson - Fertile Woman

Seed Cycling Benefits

menstrual cycle moon cycles ovulation seed cycling Sep 03, 2020

Food is medicine, what we eat on a daily basis influences how our body functions.

We are all becoming more aware of benefits of adding seeds and nuts into our diet for their nutrient fix, but are you aware how seed cycle can support hormonal balance, your menstrual cycle and your fertility?

Adding seeds into our diet as different times of your cycle can help the body to regulate your hormones and support your cycle and ultimately your fertility.

Working with your cycle.

Our menstrual cycle has 2 main phases, the Follicular phase (bleed to ovulation) and the Luteal phase (ovulation to bleed). During your follicular phase the hormones that are doing most of the work are our Oestrogen, FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and latterly LH (luteinising hormone). All of these hormones work together to support your follicles to develop and mature, priming your body for ovulation, as well as supporting your endometrium (lining of the womb) to develop.

Following ovulation we enter into our Luteal phase, this is when the role of progesterone takes over. Progesterone is produced in the ovaries but the corpus luteum (the masses of cells left in the ruptured follicle post ovulation). We need progesterone to support the lining of the endometrium to aid implantation and support a possible pregnancy.

Seed cycling is based around adding Pumpkin Seeds, Flaxseeds, Sunflower and Sesame seeds into our daily diet at different times in your cycle.

Seed Cycling for the Follicular Phase.

Adding a tablespoon of Pumpkin Seeds and Flaxseeds into your diet daily during this phase, support the body to maintain a healthy balance of oestrogen and progesterone.

Flaxseeds contain lignans which are natural compounds that help the body get rid of excess oestrogen. Flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds are both a good source of zinc (pumpkin seeds are higher) which is great for progesterone production. Both are also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids which support to regulate FSH and reduce inflammation.

Flaxseeds and Chia seeds are also recommended for women with PCOS as they have been shown to reduce androgens (what we think of as male hormones ie testosterone) which can be a major factor in missing or irregular periods.

Seed cycling for the luteal phase.


Following ovulation sesame and sunflower seeds are recommended as both are good to eliminate excess oestrogen from the body. Sunflower seeds are also packed with selenium which acts as a powerful antioxidant, as well supporting our thyroid health and liver function.

Both sesame and sunflower seeds are good sources of omega-6 fatty acids which converts to GLA (gamma linoleic acid) which supports progesterone.

For best results it is recommended that you grind the seeds to support the body to absorb nutrients.

Where to start if your cycle is irregular?

For many women who have missing or irregular cycles it is often recommended that you follow the cycle of the moon. The New moon (dark moon) would represent our bleed, with the full moon signifying ovulation. This is also recommended for women who are transitioning through menopause to support natural hormonal balance.

For more information on how to your Fertility or Hormone Health, follow me at @asmindbodybaby on Facebook or Instagram.

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