Amy Simpson - Fertile Woman

It's time to welcome the baby you've been waiting for and dreaming of. Welcome to the space that has seen over 223 babies birthed, with an 85% success rate, using my world renowned Mind Body Baby Method.


I Accept Your Invitation

Know that if you are here the baby that’s waiting for you guided you here.


My role is not to bring the babies through, they are ready, my role is to prepare you to fully become the mother they have chosen. So you open the door to your baby. 


Motherhood is a frequency 

Fertility is a frequency 

Creation is a frequency 


All already exist within you, whether you feel connected to them right now or not.
The Mother Frequency is for the woman who is ready to have a baby, already has a baby or knows at some point she will become a mother.


This is your invitation to come home to who you truly are, to deeply nourish your mind, body and soul, in preparation for becoming the mother you were born to be.  


It's so easy to experience separation from ourselves, our dreams and our belief in what is possible. To feel disconnected from your beautiful body and all she is capable of.

This disconnection creates physical, mental and emotional pain and tension, and invites fearful and unkind stories to run, questioning whether or not you are good enough or deserving of what you desire. 

It slowly begins to close off your heart, as you don’t allow yourself to want it too much, to keep your heart's desire at arms length in case it’s not possible. In protecting yourself, you are energetically closed to receiving. 

On your journey to motherhood have you:


Lost parts of yourself? Do you feel disconnected from the things that bring you joy, from what you truly desire?

Do you feel like there is something keeping all that you desire; a baby; feeling calm; feeling content;  that aliveness you once felt before trying to conceive; impact, just out of reach. 

If you have become scattered, splintered into pieces, suspended in time, waiting, wishing, holding on to hope, holding your breath, gripping on with all that you have... 

I want you to know is this doesn’t bring you closer, it actually keeps everything you want just out of reach. 

During this experience I will guide you to reconnect fully with yourself, to calm your mind and body, to rebuild your trust and belief in your body and what is possible. Creating space, openness and reclaiming joy as you prepare to welcome all that you desire.


This Is Exactly What I Need!

I created the Mind Body Baby Method to support you to:


What disconnects you and brings you out of alignment from your fertile frequency is stress and fear. Dissolve the resistance, release the stories both spoken and unspoken and process the emotions stuck within you, returning them to the truth of who they are.


Guiding them back into their Mother Frequency to allow them to welcome their baby. 


Your body is either a clear channel and container to welcome, grow and birth your baby or it’s a container of everything you have suppressed or abandoned. The choice is yours. 


Our leading approach to Fertility has supported hundreds of women to create their long awaited families, with an 85% success rate the Mind Body Baby Method is the solution women choose when they desire to reclaim themselves and their fertility and welcome their babies with ease. 


Fertility has become so medicalised and often when you don’t conceive on the timeline expected, the first thought is something needs to be fixed. Very quickly the focus is on what your body is not doing, everything becomes about numbers, test results and timescales. And fertility inadvertently becomes fragile and limited. 


Leading to more disconnection, the distrust and distress. 


You are Fertile not Fragile.

Your Fertility is a force of nature that knows no bounds. 

Your Fertility is limitless and its full potential and potency is held within you now. 

The Mother Frequency is my signature private 9 month experience for the woman who is ready to welcome her baby and remember her fertile power. 



Just as life is created in cycles, your evolution happens in phases. This is not about doing more—it’s about coming home to yourself, softening into trust, and allowing what is already meant for you to arrive. 

🌿 In the first six months, you begin to remember. You learn to Be—rooting into your body’s wisdom, dissolving resistance, and reclaiming your natural state of power. You start to Trust—releasing control, leaning into certainty, and aligning with the deepest knowing that you are supported.

✨ By nine months, you are fully receiving The final phase, Allow, is where it all integrates. Where creation happens through you—not from force, but from flow. This is where fertility, success, and abundance become effortless because you are no longer waiting—you are already living it.

You can begin with six months and extend when you feel the pull, or commit to nine months from the start—choosing to honour the full expansion of your becoming.

This is your invitation to step into a new way of being. A life where you no longer chase—because you trust, you attract, and you receive.

đź’« The choice is already within you. Are you ready to say yes?



The Mother Frequency is for you:


What if everything you’ve been through up until this point is not happening to you but for you! 


What if the pain, the frustration, the heartache was to wake you up, to your power, your potency and for you to awaken the Mother Frequency within you. 


I believe that often your baby gives you a gift before they come, only it will not feel like a gift at the time. It is here to crack you open, to disentangle you for the stories that have kept you stuck, the limitations you have either placed on yourself or someone has given you. 


The woman who is ready to work with me in The Mother Frequency is ready to do the deeper work, to trusts herself, the process and her baby before she has the proof. She understands she is co-creating with source, god, the universe. She’s ready to feel and listen to all that has been buried within. 


She knows she is the chosen channel for her baby and she chooses to be the Mother her baby knows she already is. 


This was never about if your baby was here or if your body was capable…this has always been about are you ready to Be the Mother you and your baby have been waiting for.

A Client Story...

The MBB Method helped me more than I ever knew I needed. I originally signed up after following Amy for over a year, I wish I had done it sooner. We were told there was little hope for us due to my low AMH and male factor and were advised to start IVF asap. This is when I reached out to Amy to help us through IVF.

The Mind Body Baby Method helped me peel back the layers and let go of stories I had been telling myself for years. It helped me identify the blocks and wow, the changes in my mood and outlook on life completely changed!

The MBB method empowers you to put yourself first, to ask questions so you feel in control, to believe what could be possible. It also helped me change my relationship with my body, no longer seeing her as broken, instead I saw her power and what she has always been capable of.

We can’t believe that in the end we didn’t need IVF. With Amy’s support using the MBB method we conceived naturally. I can’t thank her enough for helping us on our journey to parenthood.

Your Investment:

6 Month Support


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9 Months Support


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9 months private support and private access to Amy on Telegram 
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Client Love

Amy helped me feel much more optimistic and hopeful and I believe had a hand in making pregnancy become a reality for me.I feel incredibly lucky to have found Amy to support me with both my cycle management and, the emotional struggles I was going through trying to get pregnant. She offered me a safe place where I could finally talk and express how I was really feeling about my fertility struggles and her support made me feel less alone and overwhelmed with it all.  I would highly recommend working with Amy she helped me so much.

I truly believe I wouldn’t be where I am now holding my baby without all of Amy's help! I honestly don’t know what I would have done without Amy. I was really struggling to cope with the fact we were having problems trying to conceive. Amy was so good at pinpointing the things that were blockages and working with me to clear these. The biggest thing for me was being able to open up to Amy about all my fears and concerns, making time for me and understanding my cycle more as I thought I really knew my body. Amy is the queen of calm and I would recommend anyone to visit when trying to conceive.  I’ll never be able to thank you enough!

Miracles really do happen, I know this as I write this holding my baby đź’«

Amy had a way of gently and discretely preparing my mind and body into believing that it is worthy of all the things I thought it wasn’t. She gave me hope when I had none and I will never be able to thank her enough. 

I have made a true friend in Amy and would 100% recommend anyone to book a session with her - you will not leave disappointed! 


The Greatest Gift

I am going to say it again as I want you to hear this, the only thing the baby that's waiting wants is you. The whole you. The calm, happy, deeply nourished, nurtured you who trusts herself. 

If you are ready to create space for you, to let go of all the shoulds and instead soften and surrender and allow the unfolding to happen. I am here to hold, support and guide you. 

I have designed this experience to support you to nourish and nurture your mind, body and heart, to release energetic, mental or emotional blocks, to return to yourself, to be in your power, pleasure and potency. 

We are not meant to walk this path alone, you are invited to come into the fold, to journey with other women who are stepping into Motherhood.

Be open and ready to receive the baby that has been waiting for you.