What if Infertility is an invitation?
The word Infertility sparks so much fear into so many women and I wanted to offer you a different narrative the one I share with the women I work with in the Mind Body Baby Method and that is what if infertility is really just an invitation? What if it's your body's way of inviting you back into your fertility? How could this change everything for you and how you approach your journey to welcoming the baby I believe is waiting for you? Message Amy : http://www.instagram.com/amysimpson_mindbodybaby/ Join Amyā€™s signature live community Fertile Fight Club https://www.amysimpson.co.uk/offers/E9EzrkqX/checkout Access Amyā€™s programmes here: http://www.amysimpson.co.uk/offerings If youā€™ve enjoyed this podcast and want to help spread the word to others, leave a review and hit subscribe. Remember Be Trust Allow Amy x