The Mind Body Baby Method

The Mind Body Baby Method supports women like you to bring their babies into the world, through activating the mama frequency within, reclaiming their power and holding a deep knowing that their baby is waiting for them. The MBB Method supports women at all stages of their journey to motherhood - from navigating infertility, pregnancy loss, to IVF preparation, pregnancy and beyond.

The MBB Method was founded by Amy Simpson, is a pioneering approach to Fertility that transforms the journey women have to welcoming a baby. Amy’s 24 years expertise in Mind Body and Energetic Practices and her intuitive approach to listening the the body and understanding where it is holding resistance, has empowered hundreds of women around the world to reconnect to their body and the power of their womb and return to a deep sense of trust and belief in who they are and what's possible for them.

Amy’s Fertility Big Sister approach allows women who often feel lost, overwhelmed or broken by their journey through infertility, to return to feeling calm, whole, complete and hopeful in the pursuit of motherhood. And with 85% of women using the MBB Method, bringing home their long awaited babies, its results speak for themselves.

Amy provides women with a safe space in both her private and group offerings for women to share their experiences and release the physical, mental and emotional burden that women feel from their journey through infertility. Creating space for you and space for the baby that is waiting for you.


Amy offers packages of in person and online support and consultations at 132 Harley Street within include;

Book an appointment and begin your journey here!

About Me

Hi - I’m Amy Simpson, 

Fertile Embodiment Therapist & Coach & Founder of The MBB Method & The Mama Frequency

Infertility has led to far too many women feeling detached from who they really are. They no longer see themselves as sitting in the driver’s seat of their body and mind, especially when facing the rollercoaster of conception. The life they imagined seems further and further out of reach. Leaving them feeling lost, alone and overwhelmed in the process.

I want to show them that there is another way; that everything they need to create the life they deserve is within them.

Having a deep understanding of the mind-body connection, energetics and frequency for 25 years as an Occupational Therapist, Reflexologist, Energy Practitioner and Hypnotherapist. I know the Power the mind body connection and the how we harness our energetics to be in alignment for what we desire.

Conception is a Frequency.

Motherhood is a Frequency. 

To date we have welcomed over 200 babies into our MBB family, 2 of which I am their official auntie, for the others my unofficial auntie status is just as important to me. I desire to welcome 1000 babies into the MBB Family and have trained 13 Practitioners in this pioneering method to support me on this mission. I desire that all women return to the power and potency of their Fertile energy and welcome the baby that is waiting for them. Currently couples who are struggling to have a baby are offered a medical only approach to support them. For some assisted conception is the missing piece and they are given the best chance of beginning or adding to their family for others, it adds more stress and keeps their baby just out of reach. But it's important to remember that assisted conception does not prepare the mind and body to be open and ready to conceive, that's over to you.

So what’s different about the Mind Body Baby Method?


It’s built on the belief and knowing that you, the true you, already have everything you need within you. Your body has an innate wisdom and magic that when supported knows exactly what to do. You are not broken, you never have been. You are worthy and deserving of happiness that life has to offer. You have nothing to prove to yourself or the baby that is waiting.

85% of women who have used the MBB Method have already welcomed their babies, I want you to do the same.  I invite you to allow me to activate the mama frequency already within you and create space for your beautiful body to welcome your baby.



I started working with Amy after having a miscarriage and worked with her for the best part of a year on a 1:1 basis and it was the best thing I have ever done. I hadn't realised how much of myself I had lost over time and that I wasn't prioritising myself as much as I should. I thought I knew me but I was proven wrong and I am now a more confident version of myself and know and trust my body more than ever. Amy is so encouraging and with her guidance I have found new loves in my life - reiki, meditation and cold water therapy which are now instrumental in keeping me grounded and bringing myself back to me.

During this time I also signed up to the MBB Group program where Amy created a safe and inviting space where I could open up and share experiences with others. This has been invaluable having the support of Amy and the other women in knowing it's ok to talk about anything. I have gained some wonderful friendships through the group which are very special to me and they continue to be my biggest support and for that I am grateful.

Now being pregnant Amy still manages to help me to realise things and emotions I wasn't aware that I was feeling and be honest with myself. I continue to grow and be a better version of myself. This wouldn't have been possible without Amy's guidance, encouragement and a bit of Amy magic.
I started working with Amy after trying for 2.5 years for a sibling for our daughter and having three failed IVF transfers. Even from our first call, I knew I’d found someone that would just listen, I cried a lot - mostly feeling like I’d failed and that I couldn’t do anything right. Amy suggested I join her group programme and also had a few one to one sessions.
To say it’s been life changing is an understatement, Amy has a way of listening and reframing that is simple but intense. We identified 3 major issues and worked on them individually, and did some hypnotherapy too. In addition Amy supported us to have some additional testing which showed an issue with my microbiome.
Since working with Amy I successfully fell pregnant naturally, sadly I had a miscarriage which Amy supported me through. Again through listening, hearing all the ugly and sad thoughts that had been swirling. Amazingly I then fell pregnant again 2 months later and am now 13 weeks. I don’t know how Amy unlocked the magic but she did, and I never thought it possible. Thank you Amy, you know what this means to us. 
A year has passed and how much things have changed. I'm laying on the same beach I was on this time last year. Except last year I was broken- both physically and mentally. We were undergoing fertility treatments after having had a missed miscarriage 1.5 years earlier, which impacted our fertility. We thought we could fix it with IVF but that too failed in the final step. I had come across Amy earlier that summer but it wasn't until I was totally broken that I allowed myself to work with her and be supported by her and the group of incredible women who were in the same boat. I joined her group program and from there everything began to change. 
Sure we continued medical investigations to get to the root cause of our fertility issues. In parallel I worked with Amy on my mindset and my connection between the mind and the body. We had many sessions where I just cried, Amy helped me to piece myself together again. I had reached rock bottom and I know that working with Amy was a big contributor to me not giving up hope, when I was so close to doing so. Amy’s support was truly magical and it has shifted me. I was also fortunate to forge strong connections with the women in my group, with whom I am still in touch today.
The medical investigations did uncover suspected Asherman’s syndrome so we did a procedure called hysteroscopy to resolve it. Somehow the doctor didn't actually find anything during the hysteroscopy. To this day I don't know what it was but I am confident it has to do with the work I had been doing on the mind-body connection and the stories I was telling myself. Soon after this procedure and completing the group program we got pregnant naturally. I am now 5 & half months pregnant and am continuing to be supported by Amy in her Mama & Me program which has been so timely as I had a lot of anxiety particularly early on in my pregnancy after everything we had been through. Amy was, and is, there to support me through this stage of my journey as well. I am so grateful to have found her ✨.
If someone was to ask me for advice, I would say: you are having a challenging fertility journey or pregnancy, don't wait until you are broken to get help and support.


Amy has guided me to find back to my inner light, strength and to this feeling of being alive. She made me laugh so many times and helped me to feel more at ease in so many situations.
My fertility journey wasn’t easy but brought me to where I am now and I truly wouldn’t be anywhere else with my whole business growing since the day I first met Amy. I don’t doubt for one second that my baby will find its way to earth whenever the timing is right.
Thank you for making me do it my way, Amy.

